USA Daylight Saving Time Countdown

Find out how much more of Daylight Saving Time is left in the USA. The Countdown to Daylight Saving Time in the United States is here!

Cuenta atrás USA Daylight Saving Time Start Countdown

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When does Daylight Saving Time start?Find out when Daylight Saving Time starts and ends with the USA Daylight Saving Time Countdown. Showing the time left until the start and end of Dayligt Saving Time in the United States in the exact number of days, hours and minutes, the Countdown to Daylight Saving Time in the USA is regularly updated to help you keep track of when the clocks go forward and backward!


USA Daylight Saving Time Countdown

In the United States, Daylight Saving Time started on 9th March 2014 and ends on 2nd November 2014 at 2am.

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the term given when clocks go forward an hour during the summer months to allow more daylight hours in the evening. Generally, clocks are moved forwards by an hour at the start of Spring and backwards in Autumn. First proposed by George Vernon Hudson in 1895, the practice of moving clocks by an hour was first implemented in 1916 by Germany.

Daylight Saving Time varies between the USA and the European Union so, to see the beginning and end of Daylight Saving Time in the UK, you can consult the EU Daylight Saving Time Countdown which, making up part of our selection of Countdown Clocks, can be found in the Countdowns Mainpage.

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