On this page, you can find the free calendar for November 2014. November is the eleventh month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and one of four months to have a total length of 30 days. Retaining its name from the ancient Roman calendar in which it occupied the position of ninth month (hence, named after the Latin “novem” meaning “nine”), November 2014 starts on a saturday and finishes on a sunday with 5 complete weekends.
Free Printable November 2014 Calendar

Don´t forget to make a note of the most important dates of November 2014 including the end of Daylight Saving Time in the USA on 2nd November 2014 ( remember to set those clocks back an hour!) as well as Guy Fawkes Night on 5th November in the UK. Guy Fawkes Night, commemorating the failed conspiracy attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament, includes a large bonfire followed by an elaborate firework display in many areas throughout England.
Known in the USA as Veterans Day, November 11th honours those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. In the UK, November 11th is referred to as Remembrance Day or Armistice Day, marking the anniversary of the end of WW1. In the UK, as tradition dictates, poppies will be sold throughout the country in the weeks preceding Remembrance Day so plan ahead with the November 2014 calendar and don´t forget to buy your poppies before November 11th 2014!
The end of November marks Thanksgiving Day in the USA. As a day dedicated to the giving of thanks for the harvest of the preceding year, it is a National Holiday steeped in the history of the United States. To make sure you´re prepared for your big Thanksgiving Dinner, mark the 27th November in your free printable calendar for November 2014 now.
Download and print the 2014 November calendar for free to help you organize for the month. You can also have a look at the printable 2014 Calendar which is free to download if you want to plan for the entire year.